jueves, 28 de julio de 2011

La masonería expulsa a Breivik

Un lector del blog nos ha pasado la siguiente noticia de interés sobre la masacre en la isla de Utoya, obrada por el masón Breivik. Al parecer, Breivik ha sido expulsado de la masonería al saberse el horrible crimen que ha cometido.

           The Norwegian Order of Freemasons expressing compassion and care

- I am appalled by the horrible atrocity that was committed in the government district and at the Utøya island, says the Sovereign Grand Master of the Norwegian Order of Freemasons, Ivar A. Skar.

We are filled with mourning and compassion for those who have been affected and their relatives.

It has appeared in the media that the accused has been a member of the Norwegian Order of Freemasons.

He has now been excluded - the exclusion immediately effective.

The exclusion reflects that the acts he is accused of having carried out, and the values that appear to have motivated them, are completely incompatible with what we stand for as an Order.

We build our activity on Christian and humanistic values and want our members to contribute to the promotion of charity, peace and goodness among all people.

The police will of course get all the help and information we can give to contribute to the investigation.

Fuente: Den Norske Frimurerorden

1 comentario:

  1. La masonería era la única filiación conocida de la Bestia Breivik, pero para la prensa judeomasónica internacional, era un "nazi y un cristiano fundamentalista".
